“The power of storyelling”


… and what they’re not telling you

Let's talk about "the power of storytelling."

It's the headline you see all the time. And it's undisputedly correct. Storytelling is human. It's powerful. It makes an impact. It makes your message memorable. It comes from as far back as the days of cave paintings. All of this is true.

But it's a bit of a myth, too. Unless you do it right.

Unless you have all the missing pieces.

What are they not telling you? What are they skipping?

Simply: How to do it.

How do you put your story to work for you?

Sure, you can pull up a soapbox, climb aboard and start in with "once upon a time..."

You can expect an audience to gather and listen from the beginning to the end.

But you will be disappointed.

Because as strong as your story may be, they still only grant you their attention in five-second increments. (see 5-second rule here >>> bit.ly/3UpJmeq)

Unless you're telling your story in a TED-like fashion (which only gives you about :15min), you're just going to be spinning your wheels.

Your story needs to be modular.

Pieces that mean something.


So that they want to hear more.

Then, your story needs to be memorable.

To give them a reason to share it with other people.

No matter where in the story they start.

And that's why it works.

So that's why we do it that way.

Short, modularized pieces that lead naturally to ask...

"what's next?" or

"why?" or

"how do I do that?" or

"how can I get there, too?"

It's not just that you HAVE a powerful story.

It's how you're able to communicate that powerful story in a way that means something to someone else.

The humans who matter to you.

How you tell the tale.

It's the missing piece of the puzzle that most of them never talk about.

Not to you.

But it's what I talk about all the time.

Why listen to me? Do I know more than you do?

YES. On this subject, I do.

Why do what I tell you? Am I better at it than other people?

YES. I am.

Stop wondering.

Stop looking.

Drop me a line and let's get started.


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